Khans of Tarkir has made its impact felt in eternal formats, and Modern is no exception. Mike Lanigan surveys the decklists from GP: Madrid to see how Modern is evolving to incorporate the new cards.
Dig Through Time
Many boogeymen were said to have been introduced into Modern by way of Khans, but do the latest results bear that out? Corbin investigates the newest developments evidenced by the Grand Prix results.
Adam retells the many storylines of Grand Prix New Jersey. He also shares the top-performing decklists, reveals the secrets they hold, and explains their metagame position moving forward.
Ryan posted a limited PTQ Top 8 this weekend but did not perform as well in the Standard IQ he played. He is determined to see more success in Standard and has an idea of how he wants to get there. Read on to find out why he thinks Searing Blood might be the answer!
The new iteration of the MTGO Cube only includes nine cards from Khans of Tarkir. Check out the most blatant omissions here.
Adam explains why two red Modern and Legacy sideboard staples were among the biggest financial gainers this past week. Don’t miss him share his pick for the best deck in Standard and his Legacy recommendation for Grand Prix: New Jersey this weekend!
Ryan dissects his thoughts on the Legacy cards currently being overplayed and underplayed in the post-Khans environment.
How do you feel when R&D bans a card in your favorite format?
Adam scoured the internet for the news you can’t afford to miss. See what he learned about Standard and Legacy movements!
Danny Brown concludes his article from last week about stretching your tickets out for maximum drafting–excellent advice for anyone who wants to fund MTGO without getting into full-on speculation.
Ryan Top 32’d the Minneapolis Legacy Open with Izzet Delver and has a lot of thoughts on how Treasure Cruise changes the play of the deck. Find out how he thinks the deck should be built and just how much has changed!
Sigmund has two related topics in this week’s article. First he explores the continuation of Standard’s downtrend, then he shifts focus towards Thoughtseize specifically, where he makes makes some interesting comparisons…