Right on the heels of the Pro Tour, Eddie covers the latest movements in his portfolio. Some breakout cards from the PT are worth selling into hype now, for starters.
Magic news culminated last week with the announcement of Ultimate Masters and the Box Toppers. Eddie surveys the developments and offers recommendations.
Matthew Lewis presents the MTGO Market Report for this week, evaluating important events in the online market and highlighting a “trade of the week.”
David reviews Aether Revolt for potential eternal playables, covering the cards he believes show the most promise in Modern, Legacy, and Vintage.
Enemy-colored fastlands look to be some of the biggest Modern hits out of Kaladesh. Sheridan breaks down where they might go and how much they might cost.
The SCG Invitational this weekend is sure to shake up both the Modern and Standard metagames. Ryan presents some picks for both formats.
Matthew Lewis presents the MTGO Market Report for this week, evaluating important events in the online market and highlighting a “trade of the week.”
Mike sifts through the archetypes that battled through the Eldrazi-infested metagame to a positive finish at the Pro Tour. Could one of these decks dethrone the Eldrazi menace?
As a Legacy Open finalist, a lot of people ask Eric Hawkins about playing Storm. Check out his advice on how to acquaint yourself with the deck!
Chaz takes a look at the post-banning landscape in Modern using data from Magic-League, before addressing the latest round of Modern spikes.
Pauper leagues are in full swing, which means tons of decklists to pick over! Ryan provides his thoughts on the state of the format and the best way to invest.