Ryan explores the exhaustive reasoning behind crafting a sideboard for Modern Izzet Delver.
Ryan breaks down and tweaks the Modern UR Delver list in preparation for GP Minneapolis in a few weeks.
Watch and learn from Zwischenzug as he attempts to find a home in Modern for the powerful Phyrexian Obliterator. Over 90 minutes of game play video!
Our resident Pro Tour competitor and sideboarding expert once again demonstrates the true “INS” and “OUTS” of the popular Modern Affinity deck in an easy-to-follow visual sideboarding guide.
The 2013 MTGO Player of the Year explains how to play and sideboard with this Modern control deck. Includes a Visual Sideboarding Guide!
“Affinity loses to cards, not decks.” What does that even mean? Find out as Ryan takes the plunge into learning the in’s and out’s of Modern Affinity deck in preparation for GP: Minneapolis.
Matthew Lewis provides an overview for the next few months of MTGO speculation, considering the potential impact of flashback drafts, Journey Into Nyx, and Vintage Masters.
Mike Lanigan, the newest member of the QS Insider team, takes a walk through Modern and discusses how and why you should get started playing this exciting and fast-growing format.
Danny analyzes the progression of Event Decks throughout their relatively short life span, in an attempt to gain insight regarding their financial significance.