Pauper leagues are in full swing, which means tons of decklists to pick over! Ryan provides his thoughts on the state of the format and the best way to invest.
Only so much can change when a small set is released. Ryan shares his beliefs on the types of cards that will be valuable from Oath of the Gatewatch.
Chaz is eyeing a few more cards for his April stock that he neglected to mention before. He’s also considering what cards may benefit from the new ✧ mechanic. Read on for his thoughts.
Always looking to stay ahead of the curve, Chaz is gearing up for Spring rotation. He discusses some fundamentals and a few picks, before providing his thoughts on the Expeditions.
Standard continues to deliver on the innovation front with GP Kobe last weekend. Mike picks apart some of the interesting decks from the event and presents his own build of B/W.
Pauper staples have commanded super high prices in the past, and with Leagues now live the format is poised for a comeback. Ryan has a list of pickups for your consideration.
From the RPTQ results two weeks ago to GP Pittsburgh’s Top 8, Modern is showcasing a diverse and healthy metagame. Doug surveys the Top 8 and offers his insight.
Mike touches briefly on the return of Rally Combo at GP Brussels before diving into Modern. The format is sporting no dearth of innovation these days, and Mike is here to keep you appraised before GP Pittsburgh!
If you think Magic would be better if you took all the turns, this might be the Modern deck for you.
Ryan shares his thoughts on some finer points of the Standard metagame, before discussing the impact of SCG’s Organized Play announcement on the Legacy format.
Flametongue Kavu is back! Kind of!
Brian DeMars recently picked up Four-Color Rally and played it at GP Indianapolis. He provides an overview of the deck and explains some of its odder nuances.
Esper and G/r Ramp are the new kids on the block in Standard. Ryan examines their financial impact and discusses the cards that should be on your radar.