Identifying “unplayable” cards with Modern potential can yield high returns if they ever break out. Sylvain Lehoux picks ten junk rares with promise.
Disrupting Shoal
Sylvain has noticed price spikes on MTGO occurring faster recently, much as with paper prices. He explains how to approach these situations prudently.
Today Sylvain Lehoux surveys the different options for buying cards on MTGO, including an overview of the Classifieds and the major bot chains.
This week Sigmund looks at top movers and recommends what to buy, sell, or hold…all while typing slowly with a broken hand!
Corbin Hosler looks at some of the major changes that took place in Magic finance this year, and extrapolates for 2014.
Stephen Moss takes a look at all of his modern hopefuls and analyzes where he made you money.