Corbin covers the financial aftermath of PT M15 and surveys the top decks in Standard to see what they lose post-rotation. Heading into next year, which strategies are poised to gain or lose?
Ryan’s been really getting to know Izzet Delver. But what’s a tempo player to do when a wild Thrun appears? Ryan explore the options.
Ryan examines the first waves of spoilers for potential gems.
It’s time for the set review! Mike Lanigan discusses the best Standard cards in Born of the Gods and how they will impact the format.
Post-rotation Standard begins today, and Mike Lanigan is here to tell you which new cards to expect right out the gates. Read on for his Top 10 Theros cards.
In the last segment of his artifact extravaganza, Carlos is looking at Dark Ascension and Kataki, War’s Wage. This guy has typically been considered unplayable for Commander; but when you build around his effect, he can be pretty nasty.
Best Buds Snapcaster and Delver of Secrets go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
It’s Time Walk! It’s Time Warp! Taking two turns with Time Stretch! Gotta make my mind up: how much edge can I take (without actually taking extra turns)?
There are four rules for building Commander decks. Neale takes us through them with an interesting application in a narrow field!