Derek introduces the concept of the Compost Box and digs through a box of bets to see which have panned out and which haven’t.
Door of Destinies
Rotation is right around the corner, and it’s time to begin thinking about what to pick up. Corbin Hosler begins his review this week with Return to Ravnica block and M14.
Corbin Hosler checks in with the casual market and the promising cards from M15 to watch for. These are excellent cards to target as trade throw-ins, as their upside is relatively high.
Casual cards may not be glamorous but they make money all the same. Corbin Hosler looks at the current batch of promising casual staples that stand to gain in coming years.
Corbin Hosler grades his predictions for Magic 2014, to see where his analysis was correct, and where it was lacking.
Danny reflects on a series of trades that he documented last autumn to see what lessons can be extracted.
It’s time for Corbin Hosler’s prerelease primer. Read up on hits and misses from M14 and prepare to stock up on the sleepers and pitch the future bulk.
Hello, readers! We move ever deeper this week into the fairy tale of Lorwyn with its expansion, Morningtide. These two sets were supposed to be the “light side” version of fairy tales – giants, dwarves, toadstools with faeries sitting on them and more.
Corbin Hosler breaks down 10 cards or cycles you didn’t know were worth as much as they are! Use this knowledge to get a leg up trading at States.
The leyline of Innistrad’s mechanics lead to some interesting places!
Commander and tribal decks don’t mix, right? See what Robert says about finding your spirit animal (favorite creature type) and going to town with your favorite friends small or large!
Not sure how to build your first Commander deck? David’s here to help! This week he offers a few pointers for basic Commander deck building and walks us through Rhys the Exiled as a potential Commander!