Modern Masters has been the biggest story in MTG finance this year. With access to the complete spoiler, Corbin Hosler believes now is the time to start looking at its impact in more specific terms. Tune in over the next couple weeks for his full analysis.
Doubling Season
Casual players get excited by vastly different cards than competitive players. Jared Elick discusses what types of cards to stock in your trade binder for this crowd.
David Schumann describes criteria for evaluating long-term specs based on Commander playability, then looks to Gatecrash to see what may qualify.
Valter explores the rewarding realm of casual Magic, pointing out a few of his favorites.
Andy builds on an old theme in Commander, the token deck. He takes the classic strategy in some new directions, putting Trostani at the helm.
Twitter has recently been buzzing with MTG discussion. Sigmund touches upon each of the upcoming product releases and uses the facts to theorize how they will impact card prices in the coming months.
Uriah of CMDRDecks has a submitted a sweet Goblins Wort deck for suggestions. Can Carlos find some ways to push the themes and make the deck go bigger?
Planeswalkers have always been a popular theme for EDH decks. This week Carlos gives his take on a five-color Planeswalker-themed monstrosity!
Corbin Hosler explains why he targets Casual cards and why you should too!
Join us as we conclude our look into the wonderful world of foils! All the thrills and chills of discovery and profit await you as we discover trading tactics and identify more foils of value and why they are so.
Neale Talbot continues his series on how to build a better mono-green commander deck.