I had a blast at GenCon this past weekend, mainly because I get to spend a lot of time with the larger-than-life personalities of QS. We played a lot of Danger Room and we were casually trading the whole time. This week, I’m going to share what I picked up on the language of how we trade cards from watching dozens of trades happen. This is fundamental stuff but in a way, it’s not a task for freshmen. Like in poker, either your personality sets you to playing the cards or playing the people, and this is for the readers who want to work with people to make trading easier and less tedious.
Dragon Broodmother
Ryan is an invested player who loves to look at the financial side of the Commander format. Join him on a five-day journey through the recent Commander deck release, finding the gems, winners, and loser across every level of the set!
In the world of Dragons, everyone can hear you scream but it doesn’t matter one bit. Robert shares some Dragon chemistry around Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund, taking us from small-time ideas to a big-time deck list!
Why is Stoneforge Mystic the most expensive Rare in Standard? Corbin Hosler has the answers, and a few stories from his last PTQ!
After weeks of analyzing extended, Stephen looks ahead to newer ground as the current ptq season gets underway.
This week we discuss this interesting card gone very wrong.