Drownyard Temple
Mike Lanigan gets a head start on Rotation, identifying which of the current crop of Standard decks is best served to stay strong after Kaladesh arrives.
Mike looks at current Standard cards that are well positioned as we move into the Eldritch Moon release. These are his top 10 picks for gainers.
Ryan breaks down the results of the Pro Tour and highlights the strategies that he believes will have the most success going forward.
David pores over the Top 8 decks from PT SOI. He discusses strengths and weaknesses in the metagame moving forward, and closes with the weekend’s financial takeaways.
Brian undertakes the monumental task of reviewing every major Standard card coming out of PT SOI. He explains whether each is a hold or a sell and why.
We’ve already located a potential breakout deck and some unexpected key cards.
Pyromancer’s Goggles, Thing in the Ice, and Jori En? Let there be no question that this deck is awesome.
Ryan breaks down the results from the SCG Baltimore Open and discusses cards he expects will see growth after this weekend’s Invitational.