In 2012 Sig wrote about a trend in Alpha rares he had discovered. Six years later, he considers how the article has aged and makes some bold predictions about Magic‘s first set.
Niels is here to give us his take on every card in the Commander 2017 Dragon deck, Draconic Domination!
David wraps up his Conspiracy 2 review with a treatment of Commander. He shares his picks for the most relevant cards and how prices should adjust.
Speculation depends on your ability to make and act on quick decisions, often within minutes or hours. Doug shares case studies that help develop basic predictive instincts.
Carlos ports the classic budget contender, mono-red burn, to the world of ninety-nine cards and proves firebreathing can be cheap and effective in Commander too.
It’s generally accepted that Red is the worst color in Commander, but what happens when you try to build a Red deck that plays like a Blue deck? Let’s find out!
Tired of the same silly peanut butter spread for your Commander sandwich? Try the velvety Nutella that is an underused commander!
Bash bashed, but for how much and how well? Neale takes a reader submission and works with magic, discovering that planning must be proper to avert the dangers ahead!
Doug tackles the back half of Onslaught this week. Find out the best cards to make money on, from a tribal Crusade to a hungry, hungry Baloth!