A new addition to the QS Strategy staff, the legendary Adam Yurchick looks at what sideboard cards will make an impact at the upcoming Modern Grand Prix.
Echoing Truth
Ryan takes his MUC Delver Pauper list in a new direction, branching into a hot new color.
Ryan shelves his Young Pyromancer Legacy brew for a week to try out some innovations to his MUC Delver Pauper deck in a Magic Online daily event.
Modern Masters is flying off the shelves, with supply likely to wane soon. David Schumann asks what cards to pull out of binders during this window of opportunity.
After grinding Pauper on Magic Online this past week, Ryan has some significant updates for his MUC Delver list backed up with the strategy behind the new choices.
Ryan breaks down his Mono-Blue Pauper Delver list with a highly detailed sideboarding and strategy guide that will be invaluable to anyone breaking into the format.
Ryan breaks down his MUC Delver list for pauper, one of the best formats in which to grind Magic Online.
Ryan weighs in on where he sees the recent bans taking those affected formats in the coming weeks.
The recent Bannings have left Ryan rather baffled. Read on to learn why he thinks the two formats in question are being led astray.
Mathieu has his eye on a number of cards that will be essential for combo decks in Modern this PTQ season. He even has a few picks for combo in Standard, including a few about to arrive in Gatecrash.
Witness the unveiling of Ryan’s pauper cube list and see if it inspires you to join in the awesomeness.
Stepping away from his normal constructed strategy articles, Ryan dives into discussion of his Pauper cube, a work in progress that sounds like an absolute blast.
I love doing my financial recaps of older sets where I mine the expensive cards, but going back further is a little harder in two ways. First, there are just so few good cards in older sets. Second, the good ones don’t often turn over, so it’s hard to establish prices. Luckily, Mirage Block was the first “modern” block and it brought in some great spells that wizards still sling today. Let’s take a walk through time as we re-acquaint ourselves with the block. Below is a list of some of the choice picks from the block; I left out the cards worth under two dollars, leaving only the prime cards on the list. There are some cards in here that I guarantee will surprise you.