Are there any Dark Ascension spoilers worth pre-ordering for profit? Sigmund assesses the valuable cards spoiled so far and speculates on what their projected prices are.
Elesh Norn Grand Cenobite
Corbin Hosler offers an up-to-the-minute analysis of Dark Ascension Spoilers, both financially and competitively!
Mike Lanigan runs over updates to his Green-White Token deck and makes an argument for attending a large tournament sometime this year.
Corbin Hosler details his weekend at the SCG Invitational and why it was a success despite scrubbing out of the tournament!
Mark Hinsz recounts this past weekend’s SCG Invitational event, where he piloted Big Zoo in Legacy and Dungrove Elder Wolf Run in Standard, and shares with us his thoughts on the meta and the refreshing philosophical lens he’s recently applied to the game.
With Innistrad previews just days away, Corbin Hosler looks at the cards poised to rise in value once the set releases!
Have you every considered building an aggressive deck for Commander? Rob’s here with the rundown on getting your Red Zone action on in with 100 cards!
If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to build a budget fish deck, he wins Commander games for the rest of his life. You know Carlos is bringing the heat with Sygg!
Corbin Hosler evaluates the impact Magic 2012 will have on the market, and provides the weekly update on the Prediction Tracker!
Anthony Avitollo, our resident cube master, breaks down or completely blasts some of the best (and overhyped cards) for cubes from New Phyrexia!