This week Paul dives into building a Set Cube for his favorite limited format: Invasion Block. What steps did he take to get there?
Elvish Champion
In this article, Eddie puts reader feedback into action. He also provides a new section to give us real-time insight to reflect on previously mentioned cards.
Rob thinks that the horde will triumph soon using this card.
Rob thinks that it’s not yet time for this guy and the zombie apocalypse. Take a look why.
Julian looks at a Commander deck that may not make any friends, but can certainly win games. If you want to empty your opponents’ hands and leave them devoid of resources, this may be the deck for you.
Mike Lanigan presents a swath of interesting and powerful decks in Tiny Leaders as an introduction to the format. You’ll have to be prepared to face these staple generals.
Corbin Hosler reviews 10 cards from Core Sets in the last five years that you probably didn’t realize were as valuable as they are!
Corbin Hosler explains why he targets Casual cards and why you should too!