Ultimate Masters is still in full bounce back mode, and the last World Magic Cup has come to a finish. Plus, some sweet Ravnica Allegiance spoilers have hit the market so there’s gonna be a nice mix of things to talk about again in this piece. Owing to the spoilers, this might be a little […]
The post MTG Metagame Finance #24 first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Jason waxes poetic about the upcoming Gen Con, presents some famous characters immortalized in Magic card form, and reports the (shocking) tournament results from the weekend.
The post Jason’s Archives: Fact or Fictional Characters, What’s the Matter with Kansas & Nights in Columbus first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Fifth Dawn was the third set in Mirrodin and was inexplicably focused on getting people to play all five colors. In the abstract, this is fine, but this was in a set full of artifacts that gave you advantages for running them. It would be like if Onslaught Block culminated in a set focused on super-powered spells instead of really good Tribal creatures...
Oh, wait.
The post Insider: Figuring Out Fifth Dawn first appeared on Quiet Speculation.