Ember Swallower
With the upcoming release of Khans of Tarkir, Standard will lose the bulk of its current card pool. Adam outlines which strategies are expected to stick around, what cards may see a rise in popular, and how you can prepare and profit from the rotation.
Danny looks at the inexpensive rares of Theros block in search of potential speculation home runs.
Ryan examines the new set’s spoiler in search of information regarding the future of Standard.
Matthew Lewis outlines the reasoning for buying up certain junk rares, and provides his picks out of Theros.
Mike Lanigan dissects the mono-red devotion deck from the Pro Tour, explaining key interactions and suggesting updates.
Today Mike Lanigan discusses the hottest mechanic coming off of the PT, which has only begun to affect the Standard metagame: devotion.
Danny reacts to the action from this past weekend in Dublin.
Ryan takes a break from Pauper talk while the format reacts to the recent bannings, instead weighing in on some Theros cards he thinks are currently being underpriced.
Fresh off his prerelease, Danny offers the insights he’s garnered concerning Theros thus far.