This week Derek evaluates the challenges of spoiler seasons and offers some advice on how you can be a responsible speculator.
Fauna Shaman
The new chapter of Sylvain’s Nine Months of Portfolio Management series deals with his Modern positions. This category of his portfolio was by far the most successful, and Sylvain explains to us his strategy to make the most out of Modern opportunities.
Sylvain unveils the groundwork to his recent MTGO portfolio management experiment. What did he do with thousands of tix?
Melira-Pod is a staple of the Modern format, so understanding it is crucial whether you decide to play with it or against it. Conner walks through the card choices and discusses how and when to sideboard with this complex combo deck.
In honor of Presidents’ Day in the US, Sigmund predicts which cards are likely to increase in price over the next year using a clever (corny?) approach.
Mike Lanigan relates his experiences at the TCG Invitational battling to a 21st-place finish.
Ryan takes a step in Modern for a local event and spikes it with Junk.
So many tournament results! Jason sifts through oodles of top finishers from the weekend, highlighting novel developments in Standard, Modern and Legacy.
This week Jason Alt muses on finance and retrospect alike, shows off some killer alters and dissects the SCG Invitational results.
Jason hails the arrival of a new Legacy deck developed by QS’s own, marvels at auction-goers’ utter ignorance of Magic value, and peruses the weekend’s tournament results with his characteristic wit.
Carlos breaks from business as usual to tackle a Commander deck built for one vs. one. Read on to find out how Edric can dominate in this popular Commander variant.
Bloodline Keeper in Standard? Mike Lanigan shows you how and why.