UndyingMTG takes a look at Zendikar Rising, examining the sleeper hits available in Extended Art Foils.
Feather the Redeemed
Pat gives us the follow up to his first article on getting started in MTG Finance, with a Commander focused perspective.
David takes a good look at the upcoming War of the Spark Standard, and cards that could synergize well with Feather, the Redeemed.
Several stores online have begun charging sales tax on Magic singles, with major implications for speculators. Christopher discusses his strategy to address the cost increase.
The rare Legacy GP event occurred this weekend, taken down by UW Stoneblade. Christopher takes stock of the format and considers some cards in good position to rise.
The market is heating up, but how do you determine the best cards to target? Today Adam shares some techniques he uses and the specs they’ve led to.
The Mythic Invitational this weekend will be the first debut of official War of the Spark spoilers! Be sure to check back with Quiet Speculation as the info rolls in.
With the Magic market heating up this spring, Sig is motivated to speculate more than usual. This week he shares his favorite pick-ups and some key resources for finding ideas.
The Modern metagame, War of the Spark spoiler season, and the London mulligan are all making an impact on the Magic market this week. Adam covers the details.
Chris has some great thoughts on Commander, Legacy, and Modern this week. Welcome to Value Town.