

I often get asked,Ā “How do I build a Modern deck cheaply?” Or “on a budget.” Or any of a plethora of other caveats that basically boil down to “less than retail.” Modern is something of a double-edged sword when it comes to the budget-conscious player. The upfront cost is substantial, and most people don’t have […]

Score one for the budget guys: Elves won the Star City Games Invitational in Somerset, NJ. WhileĀ Liam Lonergan’s deckĀ still retails for about $800, almost half of the priceĀ is in 4 Cavern of Souls and 3 Horizon Canopy. If you’re tight on cash (or waiting for a reprint, like me) you can get away with some […]

In case you missed the news yesterday, Inquisition of Kozilek is back! Yes,Ā IoKĀ is being upgraded to a rare for its printing with brand-new art inĀ Conspiracy: Take the Crown, aka ConspiracyĀ 2. While cards from this set are not usually Modern-legal, this time we have a reprint that is obviously geared toward the Modern crowd. Moderners have […]

Hey guys! You might have noticed that Iā€™m new here. As outlined here, I’ve been brought onto Modern Nexus to write a weekly column, and I want to take a little of your time to introduce myself. My name is Jim and although Iā€™m originally from New York City, I live in Orlando, Florida. I […]

Following the success of lastĀ weekā€™s articleĀ comparing Legacy to Modern prices, I want to take a look at some other questions about Modern finance. We had a lot of requests in the comments, both on this site and on others where the article appeared, but one stood out as more important than the rest: rising Modern […]

Wizards made a lot of promises when it founded Modern. Some of these were explicit, like providing a new non-rotating format for high level play. Others were implicit, such as actively supporting Modern with new cards that could improve existing decks. And others were so confusing we are still trying to figure out what Wizards […]

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