An image of a Faerie appeared on the internet and suddenly everyone in MTG Finance world wants to buy Faerie cards. This behavior can be frustrating, but it can also lose you money if you’re not careful. Sigmund breaks down the case against faeries, and why you shouldn’t give in to the hype.
Force of Will
Kyle runs through the rares of Modern Horizons on MTGO, and shows where you’ll be wanting to park your TIX for the upcoming Modern.
Have you ever stopped to think about how much time you actually spend on MTG Finance on a weekly basis? This week Sig considers this and makes some personal commitments on how he’ll strategically cut back.
Spoiler season is about to begin…again! Between War of the Spark, Modern Horizons, and Core Set 2020, how does anyone have any money left to buy new Magic cards? Perhaps they don’t. This week Sig examines potential long-term implications of these competing set releases.
Modern Horizons spoilers officially start May 19th. Be sure to check back with Quiet Speculation as the info rolls in!
Chris makes his final picks before Modern Horizons spoiler season starts this weekend.
David looks ahead to Modern Horizons spoiler season and examines cards that have been dodging reprint for a while.
Ice Age isn’t exactly known for its endless value. Just because there are no $100 cards in the set doesn’t mean its terrible to pick through. This week Sig shares his appreciation for Ice Age and highlights why its bulk may be worth more than it seems.
The rare Legacy GP event occurred this weekend, taken down by UW Stoneblade. Christopher takes stock of the format and considers some cards in good position to rise.
Modern reprint sets have often led to price increases by sparking newfound interest in the format. Sig explains why Modern Horizons may have an even larger impact on prices this year.
Chris has some great thoughts on Commander, Legacy, and Modern this week. Welcome to Value Town.
With the release of Modern Horizons looming, Wizards announced no changes to the Banned & Restricted list. Christopher looks at the cards that stand to gain right now.
With several high-profile Legacy events on the horizon, Christopher is looking to format staples for growth. He lays out his reasoning and the current best targets.