Fulminator Mage
David Schumann identifies some of the hot movers from GP Richmond, and suggests some cards that may follow in their wake.
Sideboarding wins tournaments, and Adam’s one of the best in the business. If you’re playing in Grand Prix Richmond or any other Modern tournament, you’ll want to know what SB cards matter in Magic’s hottest format.
A new addition to the QS Strategy staff, the legendary Adam Yurchick looks at what sideboard cards will make an impact at the upcoming Modern Grand Prix.
MTGO Player of the Year Paul Nemeth has a Bitterblossom Brew that’s neither Faeries nor B/x Tokens, yet can still kill an opponent out of nowhere. Could this be the new home of the recently unbanned Enchantment?
Jason Alt observes a significant shift in the pre-Banned and Restricted happenings, bemoans the boringness of Standard, and examines tournament results.
Several months in advance of the Modern season, prices are already moving on MTGO. Sylvain Lehoux looks at the state of Modern in light of data from past years.
Dylan muses on some of the foundations of trading: communication and decision-making.
Corbin always advocates picking up Modern staples out of season, which seems all the more prudent in light of recent spikes. What cards should you target at the moment?
With the next Modern PTQ season looming on the horizon, Danny provides his speculation picks for the format.
Sigmund isn’t coming up with much for the next set of investment opportunities. This week he shares his current thinking on the MTG investing landscape.
Ryan takes a step in Modern for a local event and spikes it with Junk.
Corbin has his eye on several cards that may benefit from the rash of reprints in Modern Masters. He advises picking up these cards in anticipation of next Modern season.