Matthew Lewis examines the cards that dodged reprinting in Modern Masters and evaluates their likelihood of reprint between now and the Fall release.
Fulminator Mage
This year’s Modern season departs with one last huzzah, GP San Diego. Mike Lanigan looks over decklists and discusses the last-minute developments.
Yet another week has gone by, yielding many dramatic shifts in card prices. But Sigmund has noticed a few trends in the commonalities between these price movers. This week he breaks down the mtgstocks “interests” to understand some underlying themes.
After taking profits off the table this Modern season, Sigmund is now sitting on cash reserves. Rather than losimg purchasing power from inflation Sigmund turns towards what cards to buy into next, many of which are in Return to Ravnica.
Corbin addresses the financial implications of post-Gatecrash Standard, Wizards’ announcement regarding redemptions, and the alleged Modern bubble.
While many have turned their attention to the hottest Gatecrash specs, Sigmund has kept focus on Modern… and he’s found some more anomalies. Sigmund asks that you take a breather from Gatecrash buzz and download a quick summary of where Modern’s at now.
Corbin Hosler tells you why you’re doing it wrong by evaluating just the Top 8 lists from Pro Tour: Return To Ravnica, and explains why Moderns Masters is not something to be scared of!
This week Sigmund takes a look at the history of Magic finance and proposes some tools that would benefit the community.
Grand Prix Columbus was a great time – I was there – and it pulled in almost 1,050 players, which is impressive for a format that people seem to hate on the internet. Most of my opponents had not played the format before, but just about everyone expressed that they thought it was a fun format that they’d like to keep playing.
Jund is one of the top decks in the Extended format, and here is everything you should need to supplement your playtesting with it for Grand Prix: Atlanta!