Modern Masters 2015 is official, but little is known at the moment except for the included sets. According to Sylvain, this information is worth as much as the spoiler list of MM2015 from a speculative standpoint–take advantage of it now!
Galerider Sliver
Mike Lanigan surveys the new decks to come from the Pro Tour, as well as the price changes in key cards as we near rotation.
We’re soon to enter that strange limbo time in Standard when both core sets contribute to a brewer’s paradise. Jason Alt asks how to take advantage of this pre-rotation mayhem.
Reuben covers the results of this past weekends’s Star City Games Open and offers a few observations for how to approach both your format of choice.
Mike Lanigan relates his experiences at the TCG Invitational battling to a 21st-place finish.
Mike Lanigan presents mono-red and mono-blue devotion decks and discusses trading at the SCG Invitational for his card store.
Jason Alt discusses his tendency to plagiarize himself, the consequences of issuing orders, and the recent decklists from around the world.
Mike Lanigan looks a potent card advantage engine particularly suited to tribal decks. Is this the tool Slivers was lacking to be competitive?
Casual staples are low-risk specs that almost always jump a bit. Corbin Hosler examines his picks from last year to see how they fared and offers similar picks from M14.