Mike breaks down a few of the under-the-radar decks that saw success at the Pro Tour. Don’t want to play one of the big three decks in Standard? Check this one out!
Game Trail
Set redemption can be profitable, but as with everything you want to account for all costs. David explains what to watch for and breaks down the numbers for SOI and EMN.
Mike discusses how the top Standard decks of Pro Tour Kaladesh will impact the metagame and markets moving forward.
Week one Standard was largely dominated by aggressive decks, though there are other competitive options worth exploring.
Mike Lanigan gets a head start on Rotation, identifying which of the current crop of Standard decks is best served to stay strong after Kaladesh arrives.
Arguably the most exciting deck from PT Eldritch Moon is Temur Emerge, though as the Top 8 of the PT demonstrated there’s more than one way to build the deck.
Mike looks over the more interesting decks to come out of SCG Columbus (read: not Bant Company) and shares his financial takeaways.
Standard is highly diverse right now, and affordable as well. Chaz examines the relationship between the two to see if there’s a connection.
By now everyone knows Nahiri, the Harbinger is the real deal in Modern. Mike identifies three traits that exemplify a Modern breakout card, and suggests several pick-ups.
Ryan breaks down the results of the Pro Tour and highlights the strategies that he believes will have the most success going forward.
David pores over the Top 8 decks from PT SOI. He discusses strengths and weaknesses in the metagame moving forward, and closes with the weekend’s financial takeaways.
Brian undertakes the monumental task of reviewing every major Standard card coming out of PT SOI. He explains whether each is a hold or a sell and why.
Mike Lanigan presents his #boxreport for Shadows over Innistrad, where he breaks down the value contained in a full case to get an idea of the set’s expected value.