Garruk’s Packleader
Mike Lanigan tackles spoilers from Khans of Tarkir, focusing on the Ascendancy cycle. While these cards don’t fit perfectly into existing decks, they show great promise for anyone willing to build around them.
Jules shares the chorus in his head as he covers a deck around Chorus of the Conclave.
Has Magic 2012 ushered in a new evolution to intro decks, or has Wizards just served us up more for the same? This week, Jay breaks down the latest preconstructed packages!
The good, the bad, and the awesome of the New Phyrexia Intro Packs; this week Jay has all this and more, including another contest!
I am an Aggro player at heart. Since this is my first article, I thought I’d start things off with an Aggro deck that seems like it can float under the radar with your current meta. It’s a Green and Red Aggro deck… I was working on a similar list, but since that was put on the shelf for now, I will work within what I call a “development list phase.”