David Schumann covers the MTG Stock Watch, with an analysis of the biggest gainers and losers in the recent weeks.
Genesis Wave
David Schumann covers the MTG Stock Watch, with an analysis of the biggest gainers and losers in the recent weeks.
Julian looks at a Commander deck that may not make any friends, but can certainly win games. If you want to empty your opponents’ hands and leave them devoid of resources, this may be the deck for you.
Mike Lanigan presents a swath of interesting and powerful decks in Tiny Leaders as an introduction to the format. You’ll have to be prepared to face these staple generals.
Ryan continues this week’s coverage of Khans of Tarkir with the Sultai Brood and the mono-black cards. Will this shard have an impact on Standard and demonstrate financial relevance? Read on to find out.
Nissa Worldwaker looks to be quite the contender, and M15 has no shortage of cards to pair with her. Mike Lanigan looks at new green cards that are sure to make an impact.
Standard rotation brings many prices to their lowest. Through some examples of his Nine Months of Portfolio Management series, Sylvain exposes which cards are likely to constitute good investments when fall comes.
Ryan explores the exhaustive reasoning behind crafting a sideboard for Modern Izzet Delver.
Identifying “unplayable” cards with Modern potential can yield high returns if they ever break out. Sylvain Lehoux picks ten junk rares with promise.
What should you be doing with cards you aren’t playing with? Danny confronts this issue as it pertains to his own substantial collection.
This week Jason Alt explains the difference between sheep and speculators in his usual mix of insight and snark.