Last year Scars block missed out on the Modern spike, but it appears the block is finally old enough for gains. Today Sigmund explores this trend.
Genesis Wave
The MTG market is much quicker to react than in past years. Corbin Hosler explains why, and how this has modified his approach.
Finishing off his look at the scars block rotation, Ryan tells us what to be on the look out for with an eye toward the three C’s of Magic.
Mike examines the RtR spoiler to see which cards are likely to shake things up. Some powerful spells are slated to enter Standard soon, some of which may rival the pushed creatures of late.
This week Jason bears witness to an historical Magic transaction, reports the slew of typos to appear in Magic products of late, and praises recent rogue deck builders for their quixotic quest to render Magic fun.
In the third episode of his mono-colored budget series, Carlos tackles green, the least budget-friendly color of them all.
Uriah of CMDRDecks has a submitted a sweet Goblins Wort deck for suggestions. Can Carlos find some ways to push the themes and make the deck go bigger?
Planeswalkers have always been a popular theme for EDH decks. This week Carlos gives his take on a five-color Planeswalker-themed monstrosity!
Nobody enjoys waiting for an opponent to Top, but perhaps there’s more at work here than just impatience. What hidden threat could destroy your Commander troupe’s social atmosphere and how can you stop it?
Neale likes to crush. Green is good at that. Now he seeks the very best…
Mike breaks down Wolf Run Red and Green and explains why neither is what he’ll be running this Friday.
Break cards is what Carlos does best. This week, it’s Saffi Eriksdotter bending the world of Commander to its knees. You’ve been warned!