With the upcoming release of Khans of Tarkir, Standard will lose the bulk of its current card pool. Adam outlines which strategies are expected to stick around, what cards may see a rise in popular, and how you can prepare and profit from the rotation.
Gnarled Scarhide
With a few M15 spoilers out, Ryan takes an early survey of the post-RtR Standard environment and highlights some exciting options for the future.
Taking a break from his portfolio management series, Sylvain reflects on the success of his block speculation surrounding the recent Pro Tour Journey Into Nyx. How did the PT affect the online market?
Mike Lanigan provides his recent thoughts on G/B Dredge, before recounting his rounds at a TCG Player tournament with Mono-Blue Devotion.
Mike Lanigan covers a variety of topics in today’s article, including an update of Standard Dredge with the new Journey cards.
While Journey Into Nyx is unlikely to unseat the top decks in Standard, it does enable a few new strategies. Mike Lanigan investigates.
Mike Lanigan reviews Journey Into Nyx with his pick for the top ten cards most likely to impact Standard.
Ryan launches into another round of spoilers, focusing on a few key cards, including one innocuous-looking 2-drop you might have overlooked.
Ryan examines the first waves of spoilers for potential gems.