
Goblin Lackey

The first of two articles today in anticipation of Monday’s Banning announcement. Will Jace, the Mind Sculptor stay legal? What about Stoneforge Mystic? Brook Gardner-Durbin explores what options will be available to you if either or both of the above get the axe!

Gameplan and gamestate are two sides to the same coin. Neale breaks down all the best options among flexible spells, pulling a chaotic gamestate towards a clear gameplan! Find out how inside!

It was not until the entire top eight had four copies of Jace the Mind Sculptor in their main deck that the talks became serious. We all knew nothing would happen then because New Phyrexia was yet to be released, in printed form at least. But now, the release has come and gone, players have adopted some new cards into their decks, and a new deck or two have made tournament appearances. So, what’s changed since then?

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