Core Set 2021 is proving to be one of the most exciting core sets in a long time! Joe takes a look at the 4 spoilers he’s most excited about, breaking down potential speculation targets related to each of them.
Goblin Matron
There’s an odd lull in Magic right before the set release. There’s no point discussing spoilers anymore; the set’s known and being tested. However, those testing results are questionable. There hasn’t been enough time to process the new cards and produce results, nor has the metagame adjusted to reflect these new cards. This means content tends […]
Modern bans are coming. Adam shares his predictions and what it means for the metagame and the market.
It’s been less than a month since War of the Spark dropped, but since the extra product this year is Modern Horizons, we have more sets than normal to review. And then, about a month until Magic 2020 spoilers begin. 2019 is fast becoming Year of the Brewer. Today, I will be looking at some of the […]
Modern Horizons spoilers officially start May 19th. Be sure to check back with Quiet Speculation as the info rolls in!