What’s up guys! Welcome back to my Modern Nexus Video Series, where we take a deck in the format and run it through some matches on Magic Online. This week we have Alex Bianchi’s GP Pittsburgh winning Jeskai Twin list! While many Twin players chose the more traditional U/R Twin route over Grixis Twin in Pittsburgh, […]
GP Pittsburgh
On Monday morning, one of my Magic friends asked me to share my favorite moment from Grand Prix Pittsburgh. That was like asking ten-year-old me what I wanted for my birthday. Was it Craig Wescoe finally doing justice to the obscure albeit awesome GW Hatebears? A Jeskai Twin deck (yep, Jeskai) not just making Top 8 […]
*Normally I post my Video Series on Monday, with my text article on Thursday, but with Thanksgiving this week we’re bumping my text piece to today and postponing the Video Series until next Monday. If this tortures your soul let my boss know so I can make more videos! This past weekend, Modern players worldwide […]
Two weeks ago, a Christ Kallas article from The Meadery showed up in my newsfeed. “The Complete(ly Serious) Guide to Pre, Post, and Mid Game Social Interactions” lampoons awkward interactions between players by blowing negative stereotypes out of proportion. The article had me laughing out loud, and not because its jokes are funny – they aren’t – but because the “exaggerated” depictions […]
Greetings, halflings! Welcome to that special time of the year. The one-use Halloween costumes have been thrown out, the smell of turkey is in the air, and we’re just starting to determine which of our family members are actually worth buying Christmas presents for. We’re slowly pulling out of our Modern offseason, and the recent […]
This weekend is Grand Prix Pittsburgh, which means we are less than seven days from a new understanding of the meta. However, before we can have an interesting discussion about what did well at Pittsburgh, we have to reach the event. This week I want to look at some of the things that should be on […]
I started mulling over predictions for this article all the way back on November 3 when I posted my October metagame breakdown. I’ll be honest: Modern wasn’t looking too hot. Twin was back, but linear aggro, combo, and ramp (oh my!) commanded worrisome metagame shares. Jund and even Abzan kept respectable format slices, but were […]
We are within two weeks of the next big United States Modern Grand Prix in Pittsburgh and if you are anything like me, you have a lot of preparation to do. For me, the biggest challenge before a big event like this is picking the right deck, making sure it is tuned properly, and I […]