The post Trevor Holmes Plays MTGO Ep. 9: Jeskai Twin! first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>On Monday morning, one of my Magic friends asked me to share my favorite moment from Grand Prix Pittsburgh. That was like asking ten-year-old me what I wanted for my birthday. Was it Craig Wescoe finally doing justice to the obscure albeit awesome GW Hatebears? A Jeskai Twin deck (yep, Jeskai) not just making Top 8 […]
The post Twins and Trends at GP Pittsburgh first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>The post GP Pittsburgh Recap and Analysis! first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Two weeks ago, a Christ Kallas article from The Meadery showed up in my newsfeed. "The Complete(ly Serious) Guide to Pre, Post, and Mid Game Social Interactions" lampoons awkward interactions between players by blowing negative stereotypes out of proportion. The article had me laughing out loud, and not because its jokes are funny - they aren't - but because the "exaggerated" depictions […]
The post Sowing Salt: Eliminating Toxic Attitudes first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>The post Two Decklists For GP Pittsburgh! first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>The post Grand Prix Pittsburgh Last Notes first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>The post RPTQ Results and Three Predictions for GP Pittsburgh first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>We are within two weeks of the next big United States Modern Grand Prix in Pittsburgh and if you are anything like me, you have a lot of preparation to do. For me, the biggest challenge before a big event like this is picking the right deck, making sure it is tuned properly, and I […]
The post Grand Prix Pittsburgh Deck Previews first appeared on Quiet Speculation.