Rob returns this week with one of his favorite picks from Battlebond!
Grave Titan
Rob starts the week with a review of a resurgent mythic finisher!
Rob starts the week with an in-depth look at this very good card. Read more about it here!
Rob thinks that it’s not yet time for this guy and the zombie apocalypse. Take a look why.
Rob takes a look at another gainer that should be on the go soon.
Hour of Devastation has had a bigger impact on eternal formats and commander than most, and there have been some significant market movements as a result…
As WOTC strives to make Standard less expensive focus is shifting away from Modern and Legacy. Despite this, Sigmund sees a bull market that some may be missing.
Chaz introduces the concept of Eternal, the newly proposed format that has become a community-driven project to solve the problems of Modern and Legacy.
The way you prepare for a large event can have big implications for your competitive and financial success alike. Mike discusses some important details that may be easy to overlook.
Have you always wanted to jump into collection buying but didn’t know where to start? Chaz talks about his first experience with collection grinding finance.
Derek takes a look at the remainder of Dragons of Tarkir’s mythics, and isn’t terribly excited about what he’s found.
The Commander 2014 release sported some unexpected inclusions that threw a wrench is many speculators’ plans. David Schumann takes stock of the situation and explains what we can expect from Wizards moving forward.
Sigmund has two related topics in this week’s article. First he explores the continuation of Standard’s downtrend, then he shifts focus towards Thoughtseize specifically, where he makes makes some interesting comparisons…