Grave Titan
Ryan continues this week’s coverage of Khans of Tarkir with the Sultai Brood and the mono-black cards. Will this shard have an impact on Standard and demonstrate financial relevance? Read on to find out.
Paul forces a Storm deck in this Cube Draft and ends up with something powerful. Is it good enough to 3-0?
Paul tackles the most fun and skill testing format on MTGO, Cube Draft!
Finishing off his look at the scars block rotation, Ryan tells us what to be on the look out for with an eye toward the three C’s of Magic.
Andy Martin dissects another of his synergistic Commander decks. See how Lyzolda can sacrifice fodder to benefit you.
Corbin Hosler looks back at some past trades and re-runs the numbers to discover if those same trades hold up today!
In response to purrs of Monoblack’s revival, Ryan reviews the color wheel and the distribution of card strength amongst the colors in the Standard environment.
Mike scours the M13 spoiler for the best Constructed cards soon to be released. Read on to see his top ten picks for Standard.
Mark reviews the full spoiler of M13 and analyzes its impact on Standard. What cards will we no longer have after rotation? And what their replacements, if any?
Last week Mike described how he choose a deck for a full weekend of Standard tournaments, including the WMCQ and a PTQ. Today he describes the games in detail and tells us how he fared.
Mike brings us a tale of his adventures at the World Magic Cup Qualifier last weekend, including a historic romp through America’s capital.