Mike regales us with another tale from the world of the PTQ circuit. This time he waxes philosophical about handling loss before describing his recent updates to Wolf Run Blue.
Grave Titan
The new PTQ season is upon us like so many robins and flower shoots! Mike pores over recent tournament results to build a picture of the metagame as it stands now.
Carlos scours Avacyn Restored for some potential Commander sleepers, then walks us through a budget version of Balthor the Defiled.
I love doing my financial recaps of older sets where I mine the expensive cards, but going back further is a little harder in two ways. First, there are just so few good cards in older sets. Second, the good ones don’t often turn over, so it’s hard to establish prices. Luckily, Mirage Block was the first “modern” block and it brought in some great spells that wizards still sling today. Let’s take a walk through time as we re-acquaint ourselves with the block. Below is a list of some of the choice picks from the block; I left out the cards worth under two dollars, leaving only the prime cards on the list. There are some cards in here that I guarantee will surprise you.
Carlos continues the theme of expanding on other people’s Commander decks, this time bringing us some flashback action with Dralnu, Lich Lord.
Corbin Hosler looks back at his Dark Ascension review and examines how his predictions paid off!
As a rule Carlos isn’t a fan of countermagic, but this weeks he goes off the deep end with a deck that tries to counter all the spells! Check out Ertai, the Corrupted and his horde of Merfolk minions!
This week Carlos Gutierrez takes a turn toward the macabre. Dead creatures are everywhere, and Kresh and Company are right in the middle of the Morbid mess!
Mike brews and successfully pilots a Thalia centered Naya build. Read up on his card choices and why he sees Thalia as positioned well in the current meta.
The Zombie tribe has gotten a ton of new tools so far in Innistrad Block. After the release weekend, Carlos has some Gravecrawlers and a Grimgrin and can’t resist taking them for a spin!
Corbin Hosler provides his usual Prerelease Primer, complete with everything you need from Dark Ascension!
Mike Lanigan breaks down some new Delver lists and gives his opinion on a few spoilers.