In response to purrs of Monoblack’s revival, Ryan reviews the color wheel and the distribution of card strength amongst the colors in the Standard environment.
Corbin Hosler makes his predictions for Magic 2013 in his usual, profitable set review and Prerelease Primer!
Mark reviews the full spoiler of M13 and analyzes its impact on Standard. What cards will we no longer have after rotation? And what their replacements, if any?
Jason follows up on the Jon Elden story with an invitation for him to tell his story, reviews the usual reddit shenanigans and waxes poetic over Sam Black’s new Legacy brew.
Corbin Hosler offers a detailed breakdown of the Top 8 results from the Modern GP: Yokohama, and identifies several excellent opportunities for traders!
Chad breaks down new cards and those that might see a rise because of them today in his article.
Jason examines the recent cheating caught on camera at SCG Detroit, relays some internet happenings and shares the recent Open Series results.
Corbin Hosler examines the how the unbanning of Land Tax and the lack of bannings everywhere else will affect the market! What does it all mean?
Last week Chad mentioned an awesome resource for analyzing price changes in MTGO singles. In addition to reviewing the Banned and Restricted announcement, he spent some time looking over data and doing some research and something has become readily apparent.
Ryan relays his experience at this past weekend’s SCG Invitational in Indianapolis. A good time was had despite lackluster performance… and a successful draft.
Jason brings us news from the bannings and restrictions front, the worlds of reddit, and results from the StarCityGames Invitational in Indianapolis.
Corbin Hosler grades his predictions from Avacyn Restored, see what cards he correctly predicted doubling up in price!
Ryan analyzes the recent showing of Hypergenesis and explains why Sneak and Show is an all around superior deck. What does Hypergenesis offer better than Sneak and Show is already doing?