
grixis control

With the recent high-profile events of GP Charlotte and GP Copenhagen in the books, along with the corresponding MTGO Modern Festival and MOCS Championship both featuring Modern, Modern players (and grateful writers) have experienced no shortage of tech and storylines to discuss over the past few weeks. Now, the world’s attention turns to Magic Origins […]

One of the biggest questions to come out of GP Charlotte was the viability of Grixis Control. Although Patrick Chapin piloted his deck to a 9th place finish, there were no other Grixis Control representatives in the Top 32, and the deck itself made up just 1.9% of the Day 2 metagame. Chapin is also […]

There are many things I love about Magic. The infinite possibilities that come from access to a diverse card pool, branching decisions trees that spread from one singularity, and the delicate balance of resource management. While each Magic format has its own unique qualities and characteristics, the one attribute of Modern I appreciate most is […]

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