As part of our dual-coverage for this event, we wanted to compile the PT:SOI Deck techs in one place for everyone’s convenience. We will look at all of the Deck Techs provided and break down each one with some notes–and some key cards to consider from each deck.
Gryff’s Boon
We’ve already located a potential breakout deck and some unexpected key cards.
Going into PT Shadows, Human Aggro and Bant Company are the dominant decks in Standard. Check out Ryan’s picks for potential breakout cards in this environment!
There was a time when the “good stuff” decks were three colors. In Shadows Standard, they’re mono-white.
Mike presents his first “tournament finance report” from the Columbus Invitational! Join him as he examines finance and metagame trends through the lens of each round.
Ryan breaks down the results from the SCG Baltimore Open and discusses cards he expects will see growth after this weekend’s Invitational.
This one is for the Craig Wescoes of the world. White Weenie hype!