Legends is one of the most represented sets in terms of real-world flavor. Today Francesco analyzes a large subset of those cards, all sharing a horror theme.
COVID-19 has certainly taken its toll on the MTG economy. This week Sig examines pricing trends over the past 8 months and attempts to predict what may happen once the pandemic ends and in-person paper events can once again take place.
As Standard’s metagame evolved post-rotation, a host of new commons and uncommons are seeing significantly more play. This week Sig examines these cards and identifies top bulk picks for a future buylist.
For many, there’s a lot less to do nowadays thanks to COVID-19. Luckily, Magic is an excellent way to stay distracted. This week Sig shares three ways he has tapped into Magic to grind a little value and pass excess time more productively.
David Schumann continues to examine the peculiar and rare side of Magic, this time delving into the early expansions to the game.