By now everyone knows Nahiri, the Harbinger is the real deal in Modern. Mike identifies three traits that exemplify a Modern breakout card, and suggests several pick-ups.
Hero’s Downfall
Ryan breaks down the results of the Pro Tour and highlights the strategies that he believes will have the most success going forward.
Brian undertakes the monumental task of reviewing every major Standard card coming out of PT SOI. He explains whether each is a hold or a sell and why.
We’ve already located a potential breakout deck and some unexpected key cards.
With the full spoiler in tow, Ryan presents his pick for the ten most important Shadows over Innistrad cards for Standard play, along with financial considerations.
Chaz turns to the rares next in his set review of Oath of the Gatewatch. He goes through each in turn, providing thoughts on their viability and financial future.
Mike Lanigan continues his review of Oath of the Gatewatch with more spoilers. Read on for his thoughts on their overall strength and their future role in Standard.
Full set investment might present more opportunities than just the possibility of short-selling your own cards. Sylvain develops a few of these options in the last article of the Short Selling series.
The Legendary Cube debuted on MTGO yesterday, and it’s a wild one! Prize Packs seems to be valuable right out the gates too, so don’t miss out.
Brian has been testing the new Standard format in preparation for SCG Indianapolis. He shares the cards from BFZ that have performed well, along with the financial takeaways.
The new set is fully spoiled and Mike Lanigan is ready with his Top 10. These are the cards that will impact Standard the most, so don’t miss out on the action!
Brian believes several cards in BFZ are bucking the presale trend and actually represent good value at current prices. He goes over each pick and explains his reasoning.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux present the MTGO Market Report for this week, discussing major price trends and recommending specific cards to buy and sell.