Hero’s Downfall
Mike Lanigan presents a tournament report from the TCG 5K in Columbus before discussing the siege cycle in Standard and his initial foray into Tiny Leaders.
Standard is a very expensive format, but there is value in owning a robust Standard collection. In this article, Ryan breaks down some good practices to maintaining your collection without merely sinking money into the format.
Adam provides a complete matchup analysis and and sideboard guide for the most powerful deck in Standard–Abzan Midrange without Sylvan Caryatid.
The first season of PPTQ’s has just drawn to a close. Mike Lanigan looks at how the new system has compared to expectations, before covering some new developments in Standard.
Tomaharu Saito took a new take on a deck previously deemed unplayable to a 20th place finish at GP Memphis. Check out the changes he made to revitalize Monoblack Aggro!
Mike Lanigan brings a report of his first foray into the PPTQ tournament series, which he managed to take down. Read on for an account of the deck he battled with and his thoughts on its matchups.
Derek talks about why now is the time to sell, and why waiting will cost you money.
To gain a new perspective, Adam shares and explores eight decklists from a Japanese PTQ and explores the impact of Fate Reforged in this competitive Standard event.
Ryan’s committed to casting Chromanticores at SCG Regionals. Check out his preferred five-color shell!
The Standard metagame is one of the most diverse we’ve seen in a long time. Mike Lanigan pores over the seemingly infinite viable archetypes right now, highlighting some interesting ones that appeared at SCG DC.
Fate Reforged has arrived and Mike Lanigan is wasting no time getting brewing. He provides some updates to established Standard decks using the new cards and presents a few novel ideas.
As we anticipate reprints, we have to decide whether to out our personal copies or hold onto them for convenience. Danny Brown offers a summary of considerations to make when looking through your cube for high-priced cards to sell.