Join Sam on his deep dive to get the best bang for your buck on the tournament floor! A few simple tips make grinding much easier on your wallet.
I had planned to spend today’s article discussing Hogaakvine: what it does, how it does it, how to play against it, and how I’d build decks given Hogaak’s rise. However, that article was mooted this morning by Wizards. Instead, let’s examine what’s happened and where it leaves Modern. Also, once again, nothing got unbanned. This […]
Kyle runs through the rares of Modern Horizons on MTGO, and shows where you’ll be wanting to park your TIX for the upcoming Modern.
With all of Core 2020 spoiled and the prerelease looming, it’s time to wrap up spoiler talk. After the flood of clear playables in Modern Horizons, 2020 is back to being mostly about roleplayers and brewing opportunities. This is typical of a non-Modern-specific release, and much like a typical set, 2020 has plenty of interesting cards that need a […]
Sam makes his QS debut with a detailed look at the types of Traders you’ll encounter in the MTG Finance world. Say hello to Alex, Bailey, and Cassidy.
New metagames can be hard to pin down, as fresh cards lead to new brews and new tech, forcing established decks to adapt. This forces the new decks to adapt to the new pressure, and their success or failure creates ripples through the metagame. With War of the Spark and Modern Horizons released in quick succession, Modern […]
Modern Horizons becomes legal today in the paper world, but it’s been tearing up Magic Online for a good week. Wizards has published two events since then: a Modern Challenge and a league. Today, we’ll scour each for the hottest tech stirring up the format. Scourge of the Format? In the very first Horizons-featuring event […]
Modern Horizons spoilers officially start May 19th. Be sure to check back with Quiet Speculation as the info rolls in!