Gatecrash spoiler season is rapidly approaching. But even before we learn what is in Gatecrash, some card prices are already on the move based on set speculation. Sigmund summarizes what’s been moving and what could continue to go higher!
Huntmaster of the Fells
Mike shares a recent brew of his combining Jund with elements of Boss Naya from years ago, notably the machine gun kill of Staticaster plus Nightshade Peddler.
Standard is a wide open format right now, which means lots of people are inventing sweet brews. Mike surveys the field for some strategies you may have overlooked.
Find yourself complaining constantly about the luck of your opponents? Baffled by why you’re getting paired against an endless stream of bad match-ups? Take a lesson from Ryan if you want to turn luck from an enemy into an ally.
There’s been a lot of tournaments this weekend, including the Pro Tour in Seattle. Jason breaks down the myriad results for your viewing and analyzing pleasure.
The Magic community was abuzz this past weekend with Pro Tour talk and the Modern Masters announcement. The SCG Indianapolis Open also revealed another step in the Standard evolution process. Sigmund delves into the results and suggests some moves to make.
Corbin Hosler analyzes the results from 2012 States and updates you on where he stands in regards to Return to Ravnica!
This week is all about tech; it’s about the new developments in Standard and Eternal formats and how we can see some profit. We are gonna be all over.
Week two of Return to Ravnica’s Standard legality has seen many price changes yet again. Sigmund revisits some of the cards he discussed last week to identify how prices have responded, as well as where they may go next.
This past weekend saw over 400 Magic players battle it out at the Star City Games Open in Cincinnati, Ohio. This was the first major event broadcast online with the new Standard, and there were certainly some significant shifts.
Continuing his discussion of the new Ravnica Standard, Mike brings Zombies into the world of midrange and provides an updated Armada Wurm list.
Mike brews up some possible shells for a sure-to-be contender in Standard’s near future, Armada Wurm.
Gervaise addresses a variety of topics on trading and speculation, including his stance on Return to Ravnica preorders and some notable trades.