Today Dylan Beckham checks in with Modern prices, which continue to perform in a lackluster manner.
Hurkyl’s Recall
Ryan took Grixis Keeper to the finals of a Minnesota Vintage tournament. With Vintage Masters being so hot, now’s the time to consider what to play in constructed Vintage!
Dylan Beckham picks another five cards he is watching like a hawk–each relevant to Modern in some way, and each with the potential for a price correction.
Ryan’s been really getting to know Izzet Delver. But what’s a tempo player to do when a wild Thrun appears? Ryan explore the options.
Ryan Overturf discusses his performance at GP Minneapolis with Izzet Delver, and covers an interesting Modern build making use of Eidolon of the Great Revel.
Ryan explores the exhaustive reasoning behind crafting a sideboard for Modern Izzet Delver.
Ryan breaks down and tweaks the Modern UR Delver list in preparation for GP Minneapolis in a few weeks.
Dylan picks out a group of cards with prices on the move. Are they on your radar already? Because they should be.
This week Sigmund looks at top movers and recommends what to buy, sell, or hold…all while typing slowly with a broken hand!
Ryan updates us on his search for a Vintage deck to play at his upcoming local event.
Corbin Hosler looks at the movement of some–what else?–Merfolk staples, and explains how a slow holiday season creates opportunities.
This week, you will read many set reviews and I suggest that you give each one some scrutiny. I’m reviewing mainly with an eye toward Eternal magic, which is my strength. Typically, there isn’t much in a new set for Eternal formats, so I’ll amuse you and me both with commentary on other cards.