Are there any Dark Ascension spoilers worth pre-ordering for profit? Sigmund assesses the valuable cards spoiled so far and speculates on what their projected prices are.
Mike takes a shocking look at the applications of red in standard.
Mike Lanigan looks at powerful new strategies in Standard.
Best Buds Snapcaster and Delver of Secrets go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
Trey Ballew showed up with a homebrew for States in Oklahoma and Top 8’ed with a spicy rogue list! Is this the next breakout deck?
Joshua takes one last look at the pre-ban format, then focuses on the new Standard, discovering that a surprising card may end up defining the format.
With CawBlade in its recent incarnations gone the metagame is seemingly wide open. Any number of archetypes can claim to be the new top dog, and the viability of many cards goes up without the fear of a Jace making them irrelevant or a turn three Batterskull attacking too quickly for them to come online. Until some tournament results come in to fill in the gaps any talk about the new metagame will be little more than an educated guess, but we can still know questions need to be answered.
10 Magic players of superior skill enter a single team cube draft. How do you handle the volume without taking up an entire day? Anthony has the clever, and fun, solution of Survivor Draft!