Adam takes a step back to go over how he prepares for a tournament, what decisions go into his deck choices, and the ways to tweak a deck for a winning result.
Invasive Surgery
Week one Standard was largely dominated by aggressive decks, though there are other competitive options worth exploring.
It’s no secret that Smuggler’s Copter was the breakout card at SCG Indianapolis. Mike looks over decklists and starts brainstorming some possible answers.
When a Standard deck has significant overlap with a good Modern deck, it’s wise to pay attention.
Arguably the most exciting deck from PT Eldritch Moon is Temur Emerge, though as the Top 8 of the PT demonstrated there’s more than one way to build the deck.
Standard is highly diverse right now, and affordable as well. Chaz examines the relationship between the two to see if there’s a connection.
Rattlechains has proven itself playable just by virtue of having the keywords flash and flying. Imagine if its ETB ability mattered.
Ryan breaks down the results of the Pro Tour and highlights the strategies that he believes will have the most success going forward.
David pores over the Top 8 decks from PT SOI. He discusses strengths and weaknesses in the metagame moving forward, and closes with the weekend’s financial takeaways.