Modern isn’t the only format targeted by Modern Masters 2017 reprints. David shares his thoughts on the landscape for casual specs in the new set.
Iona Shield of Emeria
Modern Masters 2017 is sure to cause price drops, but that’s no reason to panic. Trends from past all-reprint sets can tell us much about how to react smartly.
Matthew Lewis presents the MTGO Market Report for this week, evaluating important events in the online market and highlighting a “trade of the week.”
Mike dives into Eldritch Moon spoilers for Standard technology and financial implications. Hear what he thinks of the latest cards to be revealed.
Eldritch Evolution from EMN has the trappings of a major Modern player. Sheridan explores Evolution’s strategic and financial possibilities.
The banning of Splinter Twin leaves a hole in Modern that’s sure to fill fast. David highlights the most likely heirs to the throne, and the key cards poised to gain as a result.
Eight months have passed and Sylvain’s 1 Year, 100 Tix account has reached the symbolic value of 500 Tix. Read on for his report on the recent gains in the account and his plan for the remaining MM2 positions.
Julian shares the latest version of his first Commander deck, based around Karador, Ghost Chieftain.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux present the MTGO Market Report for this week, discussing major price trends and recommending specific cards to buy and sell.
Mike Lanigan does a box report on Modern Masters 2015, opening several boxes of sealed product to estimate the value you can expect to get.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux present the MTGO Market Report for this week, discussing major price trends and recommending specific cards to buy and sell.
Jason Alt breaks down what we know so far about FTV: Angels to make some speculative guesses about inclusions. There’s a lot we don’t know but a few choice cards are looking likely to make an appearance.
A lot of the power and consistency of Vintage comes from the availability of tutors. Scott discusses Oath of Druids and Tinker this week and discusses how the introduction of Dack Fayden has caused some reconsideration as to what the best targets are.