Jund Charm
Is there a chance Bloodbraid Elf returns?
Brian DeMars introduces his brainchild Magic variant, the Danger Room. He shares his current list and the philosophy behind it, before looking at Origins for new additions.
Mike Lanigan presents a swath of interesting and powerful decks in Tiny Leaders as an introduction to the format. You’ll have to be prepared to face these staple generals.
Ryan lays down a few key premises to the current Modern format and brews a new list meant to take advantage of this landscape.
This week Zwischenzug digitally sleeves up Living End. Leave a comment for your chance to win a Vintage Master’s Pack!
Dylan Beckham summarizes his impressions of the current state of Modern and mentions five sideboard staples to watch this season.
Ryan analyzes the use and abuse of Snapcaster Mage’s modes, discussing some of the most often made mistakes one can make when playing such a powerful card.
In the world of Dragons, everyone can hear you scream but it doesn’t matter one bit. Robert shares some Dragon chemistry around Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund, taking us from small-time ideas to a big-time deck list!