Jwar Isle Refuge
Eddie takes a look at some cards to pick up during the winter lull, and prepares us for more Ravnica Allegiance spoiler speculation.
Morgan’s here to cover today’s Commander 2017 deck review: Arcane Wizardry.
The Zombie tribe has gotten a ton of new tools so far in Innistrad Block. After the release weekend, Carlos has some Gravecrawlers and a Grimgrin and can’t resist taking them for a spin!
The commanders in Innistrad all state they’re not dead. Jules digs to the bottom of this.
Is the destiny of the Event Deck to be an aggro attack on every metagame? Jay compares the first and seconds rounds of competitive precons, then shares yet another contest!
Take one part ‘awesome customization’ and add two parts ‘hopes and dreams’ to make… what Jules has for you today! Can you guess what’s inside?
The new Mirrodin Besieged Event Decks are here, and Jay Kirkman’s quest to assess their power level takes him through set evaluation and into his local Game Day!