Last year Scars block missed out on the Modern spike, but it appears the block is finally old enough for gains. Today Sigmund explores this trend.
Karn Liberated
Mistaking hype for a legitimate, sustainable spike in price can be disastrous. Corbin Hosler discusses the difference and why it matters.
With the next Modern PTQ season looming on the horizon, Danny provides his speculation picks for the format.
Kyle delivers his QS debut article by laying down some wisdom on MTGO finance.
Matthew Lewis looks at the planeswalkers about to rotate and asks what past experience tells us about their likely price trajectories.
Matthew Lewis returns to his theory about the digital-to-paper ratio, this time to test its predictive power and make further modifications.
Ryan takes a step in Modern for a local event and spikes it with Junk.
Corbin has his eye on several cards that may benefit from the rash of reprints in Modern Masters. He advises picking up these cards in anticipation of next Modern season.
Sébastien Morin concludes his introductory article on MTGO speculation, explaining how to maintain discipline and the major pitfalls committed by newcomers.
David Schumann reviews some more spoilers from Dragon’s Maze to see what may make a splash in Legacy.
Matthew Lewis revisits the MTGO-to-Paper metric, and explains how it should inform your buying and selling right now.
Mike Lanigan relates his tournament experience last weekend at a Modern PTQ, and examines what we can take away from his matches.
Jason Alt examines the recent hullabaloo over price jumps and surveys the world of GPs and SCG Opens for innovative decklists.